Optimising wellness
from within.

Nourished by nature. Backed by science.
Work with Me

Hi, I'm Ying

Naturopath, health coach and avocado enthusiast based in Melbourne.

I am deeply passionate about sharing the gift of natural health and would love to help facilitate your healing journey towards optimal health.

Health really is wealth. Be your optimal self!

More about me

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a comprehensive system of healthcare combining traditional healing practices with contemporary evidence-based health science into a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that emphasises on optimising health and disease.
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Why do you need a naturopath?

Naturopathy is a comprehensive system of healthcare combining traditional healing practices with contemporary evidence-based health science into a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that emphasises on optimising health and disease.
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Conditions we can support you with...

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Hi, I'm Ying

Naturopath, health coach and avocado enthusiast.

I am deeply passionate about sharing the gift of natural health and would love to help facilitate your healing journey towards optimal health.

Health really is wealth. Be your optimal self!

More about me

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a comprehensive system of healthcare combining traditional healing practices with contemporary evidence-based health science into a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that emphasises on optimising health and disease.
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Why do you need a naturopath?

Naturopathy is a comprehensive system of healthcare combining traditional healing practices with contemporary evidence-based health science into a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that emphasises on optimising health and disease.
Learn more

Conditions we can support you with...

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Treatment and Modalities


Herbal medicine


Nutritional medicine


Diet & lifestyle medicine




Flower essences




Herbal medicine


Nutritional medicine


Diet & lifestyle medicine




Flower essences



My Blog.

Sometimes you need to get to the root of the problem to solve it. I help you invest in all things health, wellness & fitness.

Work with me.

Let's kickstart your holistic healing journey together and optimise health from the inside out!

Book your FREE 15-minute health discovery call with me today 🙂

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